Rainbow One – Artist book by Sarah Boris
Rainbow One features brightly coloured paper, no text, to create an immersive reading experience.
Sarah Boris is a London-based artist and designer working in silkscreen, sculpture, book and letterpress. Her works explore political and social issues while exploiting printing and design processes.
The Rainbow Edition series by Corners, a print and design agency based in Seoul reminds us of the simple joys of paper engineering. As Sarah explains (full interview in the Fido link below):
‘I rarely find ideas by staying in a standstill, it’s really when I get out and let my mind and body roam freely that the magic happens. Recently my process has shifted as I make more work manually, it’s opened up lots of new ideas and ways of working. It has also triggered new collaborations such as working closely with artisans and not limiting my output to paper/print or digital realms.
This feeling is perhaps exacerbated after two years of screen overload during lockdown. I have found that my energy and creativity is blooming when I am making something by hand. My most recent artist book: ‘Rainbow’ was inspired by the context in which we were living at the time of making it. I made a prototype by hand which I could then photograph and make a video of before pitching it to publishers. The book was published by Corners in Seoul in May 2023′ Sarah Boris
The transition from graphic design books to artists book creates a sense of ‘book as object’ as well as a piece of communication. The simplicity of the work belies the intent – to create a pause in our constantly image saturated environments.
Edition of 222
Review in Creative Boom…
Review in Print Magazine…
Conversation piece with Fido…
Interview with Unseen Sketchbooks…
Interview: Sarah Boris • Unseen Sketchbooks
More on Corners…
Corners • Unseen Sketchbooks